Home / Events / First stage of the Tour Down Under
The first official stage of the Santos Tour Down Under and the 2019 season was fast and it all came down to a quite hectic sprint finish. My result wasn’t the best we would have liked but as I say, this is just the beginning of a very long season. I feel in good form and we have more stages ahead to fight. (Photos Dario Belingheri / Luca Bettini)
Prvá oficiálna etapa TDU a aj celej sezóny bola veľmi rýchla a vyvrcholila naozaj hektickým šprintom. Nedosiahol som výsledok, aký by som si želal, ale ako som už povedal, je to len začiatok veľmi dlhej sezóny. Cítim sa v dobrej forme a som pripravený na ďalšie etapy.