We had the queen stage of the Vuelta a San Juan OK today, which meant hard climbing to more than 2,500m of altitude and strong headwind. This was a day for the climbers, so we worked for Felix Grosschartner and his GC chances. In the final climb, I stayed with the gruppetto. We now have to focus on the last two stages of the race. (Photos Roberto Bettini)
Dnes sme mali na Vuelte San Juan kráľovsku etapu, čo znamená tvrdé stúpanie do viac ako 2 500 m a taktiež silný protivietor. Bol to deň pre vrchárov takže sme pracovali pre Felixa Grosschartnera a jeho šance v celkovom poradi. V konečnom stúpaní, som radšej zostal v grupete a teraz sa ešte musíme zamerať na posledné dve etapy.