Second place on Tour Down Under stage 5 after tense sprint
Home / Events / Second place on Tour Down Under stage 5 after tense sprint
The day turned out as expected. The strong breeze stretched the peloton at times but in the end, we had a bunch sprint. I had good legs and went for the stage win but I was squeezed and couldn’t make it. My form is good, the team did an excellent job today and we’ll fight again tomorrow on the last stage of the Santos Tour Down Under. (Photos Dario Belingheri / Luca Bettini)
Dnešný deň prebiehal presne tak, ako sa očakávalo. Silnejší vietor občas natiahol pelotón, ale nakoniec to vyvrcholilo hromadným špurtom. Mal som dobré nohy a šiel som na víťazstvo, ale bol som trochu vytlačený z pozície a nepodarilo sa mi to. Mám dobrú formu, celý tím dnes odviedol skvelú prácu a zajtra budeme opäť bojovať v poslednej etape Tour Down Under.