Strong effort to be in the break and get maximum points
Home / Events / Strong effort to be in the break and get maximum points
For me, in this first stage on the Pyrenees, it was extremely important to get the maximum amount of points I could in the intermediate sprint. The pace in the first part was frantic, with so many attacks and counter-attacks. I spent a lot of energy but together with Maximilian, Gregor and Daniel we made it to the big group. Daniel did a great job helping me in the intermediate sprint and it’s very good I was first. After getting the maximum points and with difficult stages ahead, I tried to save as much energy as possible and finish the day in the gruppetto.
V prvej Pyrenejskej etape, bolo pre mňa nesmierne dôležité získať maximálny možný počet bodov na rýchlostnej prémii. Tempo v prvej časti etapy bolo doslova šialené a s množstvom útokov. Spotreboval som preto veľa energie, ale spolu s Maximilianom, Gregorom a Danielom sme sa dostali do hlavnej skupiny a Daniel pre mňa odviedol skvelú prácu, ktorá mi pomohla práve na rýchlostnej prémii, kde aom bol prvý. Potom som sa snažil šetriť čo najviac energie a už len dokončiť deň v gruppette.