Extremely hot day on stage 3 of Tour Down Under

It was an extremely hot day and a fast stage at the Santos Tour Down Under because of the tailwind. We worked to help Jay McCarthy get bonus seconds in the intermediate sprint. He picked up one, so that was good, but the final sprint didn’t go the way we wanted. We stayed safe today and we will try our chances again in the following stages. (Photo ©Dario Belingheri/BettiniPhoto)

Dnes to bola extrémne horúca a rýchla etapa na Tour Down Under a to aj vďaka tomu, že sme šli s vetrom. Pracovali sme pre Jaya McCarthyho aby mohol získať bonusové sekundy na rýchlostnej prémii. Vzal aspoň jednu, čo bolo dobré, ale v záverečnom špurte to nešlo tak ako sme chceli. Dnes sme zostali v bezpečí a v ďalších etapách opäť vyskúšame naše šance.


Tour Down Under 2018 – 3rd Stage Glenelg – Victor Harbour 120,5 km – 18/01/2018 – Peter Sagan (SVK – Bora – Hansgrohe) – photo Dario Belingheri/BettiniPhoto©2017