Stage 3 of the Amgen Tour of California was very hard, very fast, started with cool temperatures and was hot at the finish. I’m starting to get into race mode after my high-altitude training and today as well, I had good sensations. We would have liked to win but it was very tough. All the guys gave their best and we will keep fighting every day. (Photos VeloImages)
3. etapa pretekov Okolo Kalifornie bola veľmi ťažká a veľmi rýchla. Začala v chladnom počasí a na konci bolo zas horúco. Preteky sme štartovali takmer ihneď po mojom sústredení vo vyššej nadmorskej výške a aj napriek tomu som mal dnes dobré pocity. Radi by sme vyhrali, ale bolo to veľmi ťažké. Všetci naši chlapci urobili všetko čo mohli a budeme bojovať každý deň aj naďalej.