The opening stage of the Amgen Tour of California started at a normal pace and finished with a very fast sprint. I found myself a bit at the back when the sprint started and I wasn’t able to overtake Ewan and Gaviria. They were faster and Gaviria took a nice victory. I felt in good form today, my legs were good, so I look forward to the next stages. Tomorrow, we have a mountain finish on Gibraltar Rd, so we will all try to help Rafal Majka and will then take every day as it comes. (Photos Matteo Marchi/ @BettiniPhoto)
Otváracia etapapretekov Okolo Kalifornie začala normálnym tempom a skončila veľmi rýchlym špurtom. Keď sa začalo finišovať, ocitol som satrochuvzadu a nebol som schopný prekonať Ewana a Gaviriu. Boli rýchlejší a Gaviria dnespekne zvíťazil. Cítil som sa vdobrej forme a nohy ma dnes tiež poslúchali, takže sa teším na ďalšie etapy. Zajtra nás čaká cieľ nakopci, na Gibraltar Rd, a taksa všetci pokúsime pomôcť Rafalovi Majkovi a potom uvidíme, čo prinesú ďalšie dni.