First WorldTour victory of the season at the Tour Down Under

It certainly was one of the hottest days I have ever raced. It was really tough but I felt in good shape. I managed to stay with the leading group on the climb, about 25 riders, and then made the right attack at the right moment. I’m, obviously, happy with my first stage victory at the Tour Down Under and the ochre jersey but I’m also very happy with the performance and result of Jay McCarthy. He’s now third overall and tomorrow we will work for him and his GC chances. It is an important race for him, in his home country and our plan here is for him to get the best result in the GC.

Bol to takmer najhorúcejší deň na bicykli v mojej kariére. Bolo to naozaj náročné ale cítil som sa vo forme. V stúpani sa mi podarilo udržať sa vo vedúcej skupine, ktorá mala okolo 25 jazdcov, a potom som v pravom momente zaútočil. Z môjho prvého etapového víťazstva na Tour Down Under sa veľmi teším, ale taktiež som rád, že sa darí Jayovi McCarthymu. Je zatiaľ tretí v celkovom poradí a sme tu pre neho, aby sme mu pomohli dosiahnuť čo najlepšie umiestnenie, pretože sú to pre neho dôležité preteky na domácej pôde.

Tour Down Under 2018 – 4th Stage Norwood – Uraidla 128,2 km – 19/01/2018 – Peter Sagan (SVK – Bora – Hansgrohe) – Daryl Impey (RSA – Mitchelton – Scott) – Diego Ulissi (ITA – UAE Team Emirates) – Luis Leon Sanchez (ESP – Astana Pro Team) – photo Dario Belingheri/BettiniPhoto©2017
Tour Down Under 2018 – 4th Stage Norwood – Uraidla 128,2 km – 19/01/2018 – Peter Sagan (SVK – Bora – Hansgrohe) – photo Dario Belingheri/BettiniPhoto©2017