Today was probably one of the most painful and difficult days I have ever had in my cycling career. The injuries and the heat made this last mountain stage of Le Tour de France seem never ending! I couldn’t have abandoned though, we are so close to Paris, it wouldn’t have been fair to me and the rest of the team. I had to fight. I’d like to thank my BORA-hansgrohe teammates for their sacrifice today, for being there with me all 200km of the stage. This is what teamwork is about! (Photos Luca Bettini)
Dnes to bol asi jeden z najťažších a najbolestivejších dní v mojej doterajšej kariére. Kvôli zraneniam a veľkej horúčave sa mi táto etapa na Tour zdala nekonečná. Nechcel som to zabaliť, keďže do Paríža to máme už len kúsok a zdalo by sa mi to nefér voči celému tímu. Musím bojovať. Chcel by som poďakovať mojim spolujazdcom z BORA-hansgrohe za ich obetavosť a že boli pri mne celých 200km. Presne o tom je tímová práca!