The longest stage of the Tour de Suisse was already hard by itself and the pouring rain made it even trickier. I felt in good form on the climb and I had strong legs but Juul-Jensen played his cards well and was able to stay in front of the peloton and win. I’d like to thank again all my teammates, they have been doing an amazing job so far and I now have the points jersey thanks to them. (Photos Luca Bettini)
Najdlhšia etapa Tour de Suisse bola už sama o sebe náročná a neustály dážď to ešte viac znepríjemnil. Cítil som sa dobre v každom stúpaní a mal som naozaj silné nohy, ale Juul-Jensen to dobre rozohral a bol schopný vytrvať v úniku a vyhrať. Chcel by som znova poďakovať všetkým chalanom z tímu, doteraz urobili úžasnú prácu a aj vďaka nim som už získal bodovací dres.