It wasn’t an easy stage at all and the heat made it even more challenging. The last climbs were tricky and difficult but I managed to stay with the leading group of climbers. Rafał Majka was pulling to close the gap to Gallopin but with Davide Formolo and Jay McCarthy being at the back to help Emanuel Buchmann, he was alone. Still, I felt better today and I managed to win the group sprint, just 5 seconds behind Gallopin. (Photos Luca Bettini) BORA hansgrohe Specialized Bicycles Sportful RIDE 100%
Vôbec to dnes nebolo ľahké a teplo to robilo ešte horším. Posledné stúpania boli naozaj náročné, ale podarilo sa mi zostať s vedúcou skupinou vrchárov. Rafał sa snažil uzavrieť medzeru medzi Gallopinom, ale David s Jayom boli vzadu, aby pomohli Emanuelovi, ktorý zostal sám. Opäť sa cítim lepšie a podarilo sa mi vyhrať špurt skupiny, len 5 sekúnd za víťazom Gallopinom.