It was a fast and nervous Record Bank E3 Harelbeke and until the Taaienberg, everything was going exactly according to the way we had planned. Then when Quick-Step attacked, Daniel and I took the responsibility to go across and close the gaps, bringing the chasing groups together. That required a big effort and when you do that so far from the finish, it’s difficult. At 30km into the race, I was caught in a tumble. I didn’t suffer anything serious, just some road rash on my right thigh. However, that didn’t affect my performance and I now look forward to the next race. (Photos Luca Bettini)
Boli to veľmi rýchle a nervózne preteky. Až po Taaienberg prebiehalo všetko tak, akosme mali naplánované. Keď zaútočil Quick-Step, spolu s Danielom Ossom smeprebrali zodpovednosť, aby smezavrelimedzeru a spojiliskupiny. To si vyžiadalo veľkú úsilie, a keď to urobíte ďaleko pred cieľom, potomje to veľmi ťažké. Na začiatku pretekov, asipo 30.kilometroch som mal menší pád, nebolo to nič vážne a neovplyvnilo to môj výkon. Teraz je už čas koncentrovať sana ďalšie preteky.