Third at the sprint in Tour de Suisse, I keep the yellow and black jersey
Home / Events / Third at the sprint in Tour de Suisse, I keep the yellow and black jersey
I wanted to win this stage but it wasn’t the day. The team did a perfect job, they pulled in the front almost all day and the stage was decided, as expected, in a fast bunch sprint. I did my best but today Viviani was the fastest. I feel well, my form is where it should be right now but it wasn’t my day. Thanks to my third place and the sprint bonus, I keep the yellow and black jerseys.
Chcel som vyhrať aj túto etapu, ale nebol to môj deň. Tím odviedol perfektnú prácu. Skoro celý deň ťahali na špici a etapa sa podľa očakávania rozhodla v rýchlom špurte. Robil som to najlepšie čo som mohol, ale dnes bol Viviani najrýchlejší. Cítim sa dobre, moja forma je tam, kde by mala byť, ale ako som povedal, nebol to môj deň. Vďaka tretiemu miestu a bonifikáciam však stále držím žltý aj čierny dres.